Love Grows Here: Join Us for Our Career Open House
Thursday, February 6th & Saturday February 15th. Click HERE to RSVP!

Resident Spotlight: Carol V.

Warmly welcoming our newest Woodlands resident, Carol V.! Carol is an absolute delight and brings a wonderful blend of social charm, kindness, and intellectual depth to our community.

Hailing from Marlboro, NJ, just a short 20-minute drive from the beach, Carol’s roots are firmly grounded in a small town with fond memories of farms and even a comical runaway cow incident. As a proud member of the first generation of Baby Boomers, Carol’s journey unfolds with a tapestry of experiences.

Carol finds solace in the company of her family, deriving utmost happiness from moments shared with her kids and furry companions. It is important to Carol that she fosters connections, expressing a genuine eagerness to meet new people and partake in community events. She is also a member of the Woodlands Book Club and Short Story Club.

Carol’s day-to-day routine paints a picture of a well-rounded individual. Mornings commence at 7:00 am, often with exercise classes and a myriad of engaging activities throughout the day. Evenings are spent indulging in the simple pleasures of TV and reading. Weekends are cherished with friends, family, and her beloved dogs, showcasing her love for animals.

A connoisseur of culture and entertainment, Carol enjoys live plays, theatre, and live music, particularly favoring the melodies of the 1980s and the 1960s, with a special nod to the Beach Boys. Her eclectic taste extends to soft rock and opera. Puzzles, word finds, and staying abreast of current events round out her diverse interests.

Taking a nostalgic trip through her schooling years, Carol reminisces about her middle school cheerleading days and a passion for math. High school saw her sharing hallways with none other than Bruce Springsteen. A trailblazer in sports, Carol played ice hockey, breaking barriers in a male dominant sport. Reconnecting with old classmates remains a joyful pursuit.

Venturing into college life at Brown University in Rhode Island, Carol majored in Political Science and forged lasting friendships in her classes. She still visits her old classmates to this day. Her junior year took an altruistic turn with helping the Peace Corps in Honduras, marking a chapter of service. Post-graduation, she contributed to the Philadelphia Housing Authority, later heading a preschool. Her journey led her to law school at American University, showcasing a commitment to education and community.

In essence, Carol’s presence brings warmth, diversity, and a wealth of experiences to our community. We eagerly anticipate the joyous occasions of celebrating birthdays with ice cream, friends, family, and music. Welcome, Carol – your stories and spirit enrich us all!