Boost Your Senses: Kensington Park’s Wellness Wednesdays
Every Wednesday in January 1:30pm-2:30pm Starting January 8th. RSVP HERE!

Walkers, Movers & Shakers

We are starting off 2018 with a healthy challenge! The KP Walkers, Movers & Shakers is our official team name for the Move More Montgomery 100 Mile Challenge, which begins officially on January 24, 2018. At Kensington Park, we will host our own kick-off event on February 1st, however all residents and participants are encouraged to get started as soon as they can on pursuing and recording their active lifestyle.

The 100 Mile Challenge is open to the entire county, including Kensington Park residents, their family members, friends – we are even registering dogs, who will receive a complimentary bandana for participating.

Walking or participating in 20 minutes of continuous physical activity count towards each individual’s goal of 100 days of fitness.

This is all in the spirit of good health and good fun, however prizes will also be awarded. The prizes include:

  • Recognition and a Winners Banner to be awarded at the Move More Montgomery Festival (one for each group challenge category)
  • Fitness Class Passes
  • Activity Trackers
  • Fitness Equipment

Additional Grand Prizes, including pool passes, weight room memberships, and gift cards will be drawn at the Move More Montgomery Festival as well.

For more information, talk to Jill Sheridan, our Highlands Activity Coordinator:

Or, visit the official website: