Deysi was nominated for our Employee of the Month honor by Perri Holod, our Director of Marketing:
“I voted for Deysi for March AND April, because I think she’s that good! She is friendly, always smiling, always willing to do anything, always hustling, and works very hard. I saw her getting ready to leave today. She had all of her gear with her to leave, had her coat on, was halfway out the door, and turned around because the floor had dirty shoe prints on it and she wanted to mop it up. I think she is an extraordinary team member and deserves a great deal of recognition and thanks!”
Janet Goldberg, Director of Independent Living, seconded the nomination: “She is REALLY exceptional. I have seen her on her hands and knees cleaning areas that others don’t even think of cleaning. She never says NO, is friendly and compassionate, and has such a positive aura about her.”
Deysi has worked in the housekeeping department since September 2017 and in a very short time has established a reputation as a very hard, diligent, and friendly worker. Deysi worked as a server once in a nursing home, which she found to be interesting but she has actually always wanted to be a nurse. She is also very curious about the concierge position because she likes to interact with people. “I always ask Nelly (lead concierge at The Highlands) questions about her job.”
Some people say she looks like Kate Del Castillo, a Mexican cinema and soap opera actress, but she would rather switch places with Will Smith for a day, as she admires his acting skills. Deysi has four children, ranging from the youngest, a boy who is six, a daughter who is seven, an 18-year-old daughter who attends Salisbury University, and her oldest, a 24-year-old son who is married and works as a chef. Deysi says that raising her children has been her greatest challenge and joy and the she always strives to be a good person. Her favorite food is rice and beans but she also loves chocolate.
Deysi describes herself as honest, sensitive and a multi-tasker. “I don’t get mad easily,” she says. Deysi loves dance, yoga, romance and pop music but is happiest, she says, when her children are happy.
What she likes most about Kensington Park is that “All the bosses are so sweet and friendly. That is the most important thing.” Her advice to new hires is:
“Don’t be afraid to come and try. As long as you like what you do, you will succeed.”
Congratulations, Deysi, and thanks for being such a valuable player on the Kensington Park team!