Love Grows Here: Join Us for Our Career Open House
Tuesday, February 4th & Thursday, February 6th. Click HERE to RSVP!

Team Member Highlight: Dane Taylor

Dane Taylor concierge at Kensington Park Senior LivingDane is from Bluefield, Nicaragua and has been at Kensington Park for 11 ½ yrs. Before coming to KP he used to travel the world while employed with Carnival Cruise lines for 17 years. He has been married to Rose Marie Taylor for the last 15 years and has three daughters, one son, seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren. He loves fishing and always has a song in heart. Dane has always been willing to do whatever it takes and has been a great team member. He truly is part of the Groves family where residents and family have come to know and love him.

Dane has been nominated for the Argentum Hero Award this year. The Argentum Hero represents the highest levels of excellence, caring and dedication in senior living. Everyone here at KP knows that Dane deserves the award, so keep your fingers crossed that Dane is the next Argentum Hero!

Update: Congratulations to Dane! He won a 2016 Argentum Hero Award!