Love Grows Here: Join Us for Our Career Open House
Thursday, February 6th & Saturday February 15th. Click HERE to RSVP!

Resident Spotlight: Brenda M.

Groves has its very own resident Brit in our lively Miss Brenda. Brenda is friendly, active, and funny as can be with her witty commentary and friendly demeanor. She loves to make new friends and finds fun wherever she turns! Brenda is best known for her brisk walks in the afternoon, as she enjoys the outdoors no matter the weather.

In 1934 in Essex, England, Brenda was born at the mouth of the Thames River to her loving mother, a homemaker, and her father, a textile manufacturer. She attended a boarding school far from her parents; however, Brenda fondly recalls both traveling home on the weekends and having her parents visit.

In 1957, Brenda was hired by Pan American World Airways as part of the first British group of flight attendants. She flew on Pacific routes out of San Francisco for 11 years. During Brenda’s time with Pan American, she was promoted from flight attendant to head of the cabin. Brenda notes that her favorite part of working with Pan American, aside from the travel, was the camaraderie with her team and the guests on the flights. She says, “A few people were not nice, but most were wonderful, very kind, and easy to work with.” Brenda takes great pride in being a part of the great Pan American and loves to tell stories of her travels around the world. Since she frequently adds informative anecdotes during our programs on travel, we have dubbed her our resident travel agent!

Brenda met her late husband, John, at a Marine Corps Ball that she happened to be invited to as a blind date for John, they hit it off immediately! Brenda and John were married in 1966 and settled in the U.S They had two boys, John and Jason. Brenda notes, “Our boys are a blessing to my husband and I.” She then dedicated her life to caring for her family, while still taking time to travel and “enjoy life!” as she says. When asked where her favorite place to travel was, she said that her favorite part of travel was the flying as opposed to the location.

Since retirement, Brenda has enjoyed living a normal, peaceful life. She now has three grandchildren and enjoys spending time with her family, whom she is very proud of. Brenda enjoys daily walks to take in the outdoors and keep up with her exercise. She never misses a workout and always pushes herself to do more in everything she does!

Brenda enjoys learning and loves to read in book clubs and informative classes. She is constantly seeking the new, whether in formal learning or in experiences. Brenda is always the first one on the dance floor and is usually the first to try something new. She is an incredible support to her friends and the people around her, constantly providing them with the confidence to try new things and have fun.

Brenda is such a kind, fun and warm person. Kensington Park and the Groves are lucky to have her!