Love Grows Here: Join Us for Our Career Open House
Thursday, February 6th & Saturday February 15th. Click HERE to RSVP!

Happy September!

From the Desk of the Executive Director Seasons Change, and We Do, Too

Just when you thought you couldn’t take the heat any more, you can see and feel the change of seasons coming. From the first football game of the season to the first leaves beginning to fall and the coming and going of birds, the transformation is beginning. Fall color is starting to appear with brightly colored pansies, mums and asters in the garden. With summer vacation sending and school beginning, the signs of the season are everywhere, and our thoughts are starting to turn to re-discovering much beloved outfits and preparing for the holidays and winter, which are not so far away.

Although this happens every year, the change of a new season makes me reflect on how often things in our lives change — the town we live in, the daily weather or just the way we feel about certain things. What it all comes down to is the seasons of life change — and in some ways, so do we.

Show off your unique talents on September 2 at Kensington Park’s Got Talent Show, or join us on September 7 in the 48th Annual Town of Kensington Labor Day Parade and Festival and then relax at our cookout at Kensington Park. With fall reminding us of the sights and sounds of country fairs, on September 27, we’ll learn about “The World’s Greatest Fairs” from Dr. Jenner. And while there’s change, those seeds we planted a long time ago — the gifts and talents we’ve cultivated, the people we love and keep with us everywhere — these remind us things are really still the same.

With the bright and rustic-colored leaves also comes a sense and season of hope. Fall helps us realize I didn’t just “fall” into my current surroundings. We are all here to make a difference in the Kensington Park community. I like to walk and hike in the fall, breathing in the crisp air and clearing my head for all that lies ahead. Looking down at the reds, the oranges, the browns and the yellows, I am reminded that there are many different paths we can take, and sometimes a new trail offers all the clarity and creativity we need to move our lives forward – so don’t forget to take a walk this fall and experience all the changing beauty at Kensington Park. Just like the pretty flowers, we are meant to grow and flourish with each season. Thankful for the seeds we’ve planted in our lives, let’s kick-off fall together in the place we all call home — experiencing this lovely, luminous transformation in the garden of life and the comfort and compassion of winter to come.


Headshot of Kensington Park Executive Director Mary Mell.
