Love Grows Here: Join Us for Our Career Open House
Thursday, February 6th & Saturday February 15th. Click HERE to RSVP!

Happy July!

The Fourth of July has always been one of my favorite holidays since I was a child. I love getting together with friends and family to enjoy the weather, annual parades, picnics and fireworks. It reminds me how proud I am to be an American and how proud I am to work at Kensington Park, where we celebrate our independence as individuals every day of the year.

As we all age and our needs and abilities change, maintaining our independence becomes a top priority, so we can still enjoy life to the fullest! Just like our country, which guarantees us certain rights, or most importantly freedoms without which America wouldn’t be the country it is today, Kensington Park staff uphold those freedoms for our residents by offering residential lifestyles that maximize independence and choice. We gladly take on maintenance, repairs, cleaning, cooking, organizing social events and individual care needs. In doing so, we give residents freedom — the freedom to embrace quality of life, no matter what age or ability. The freedom to focus on activities that rejuvenate their spirit and provide a sense of purpose, dignity and confidence.

The Declaration of Independence adopted that day in 1776 declared our American independence. Many of us memorized.

“…..we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”

At Kensington Park, we recognize that happiness is truly the key to the independence of our residents. So, during this month, as the red, white and blue start to appear and the BBQ approaches, let’s take this perfect opportunity to honor our country’s independence and our own, reflecting on the fact that each of us at Kensington Park plays a unique role in securing our freedom. In celebration of our independence, it is nice to be able to share an inspiring quote to help us remember and rekindle our patriotism.

“Liberty is the right to choose. Freedom is the result of the right choice.” — Anonymous

Thank you for choosing Kensington Park and your independence — that’s the freedom of living a full life.